3 Pack Teats | Extra Small Teat | Ultra Slow Flow
Did your baby surprise you and arrive sooner than expected?
We understand that premature babies need time to learn the skills of feeding and that first feeds can be scary and overwhelming. This Extra Small teat size is comfortable in a tiny mouth and offers the universal benefits of the Sepal contours. The Ultra Slow Flow rate ensures that the liquid volumes will be tiny enough for your little one to manage safely.
Developmental Stage
Premature babies to approximately 1 month of age who are experiencing difficulty with safe oral feeding, especially if a history of respiratory or cardiac issues.
Collar Section – Polypropylene
Teat – Thermoplastic Elastomer
Free From - BPA, Latex, Cyclic Siloxanes, Silicone, Nitrosamines and DEHP
Soft, flexible and anatomically correct teat shaped to contour to a baby’s mouth.
Latch – supports combination feeding of breast and bottle
Venting – when used in conjunction with Sepal bottles the patented venting system ensure your baby controls the feed rate which only flows whilst your baby is sucking